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How to pay
Online Payment Money Order Cash Payment Transfer by Cheque
Online Payment
Users who have registered can enter the Control Center directly. Real-time payment can ensure real-time opening, avoiding numerous procedures.
We accept credit card payment methods such as Visa, MasterCard, etc. If it's your first time to buy our products, please fill in the[ Credit Card Payment Form ] and fax it to us.
[ Details ]
About Online Payment

Money Order

Currency Home Branch Account Number Address/Swift Code Account Name
and Other Foreign Currencies
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Address:Level 6, HSBC Main Building, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Swift Code:
Eranet International Limited
and Other Foreign Currencies
Bank of China
(US Dollars and Other Foreign Currencies )

(HK Dollars )
Address:297 Des Voeux Road Central,Hong Kong
MOP,HKD Bank of China

(HK Dollars)
Note: Currency Rates
  1. Real-time account balance check.
  2. Please click here to confirm your payment if you pay with foreign currencies and it’s inconvenient to fax.
  3. The bill of wire transfer from the bank should have the bank order seal and the copy of the wire transfer receipt.

Cash Payment

Region Address Contact Us Payee
Hong Kong 02 7/F TRANS ASIA CENTRE 18 KIN HONG STREET KWAI CHUNG N.T Contact Us Eranet International Limited
Zhuhai,Guangdong Building No 5,floor ,Ningxi Road , Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong, PRC. Contact Us Eranet International Limited
Guangzhou,Guangdong Unit 907,North Tower, New World Times Centre No.2193 Guangyuan Road East, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, PRC. Contact Us Eranet International Limited,Guangzhou Office
 Please take the bus of No.10,No.12,No.14,No.20,No.32,No.55,No.201,No.609 and get off the bus at the Nanxiangli Bus Station. Geographic Location
   Guangzhou Address:Unit 907,North Tower, New World Times Centre No.2193 Guangyuan Road East, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, PRC.
You can take bus No.11、27、56、65、72、84、201、209、218、246、287、290、501、502、534、535 and get off at Shengjunqu or Juntiyuan bus station.
Payment Confirmation
Transfer by Cheque
Transfer by Cheque:

Bank of China(Hong Kong)Account NO.: 012-88110285499  Payee:Eranet International Limited
Hong Kong HSBC Bank Account NO.: (004)808289466838  Payee:Eranet International Limited
* Please write payee on the Accountee of cheque.
* Please remarks the user's ref. No. while saving into cheque.
*Please save into cheque at any cheque-input operator in Bank of China or HSBC Bank in Hong Kong, after that your remittance will log in your account during 24 hours, please fax your advice note of cheque-input to our company as soon as possible, we will deal with it on receipt of your fax within 24 hours.
 * Transfer by cheque without procedures fee.


Clients Payment Confirmation:
  1. Please fax the copy of the remitting bill to the number ( +852-35637160)、(+852-24035930) after you remitting payment or send the scanned copy to the email:
  2. Faxed or scanned document must include your member's number and purpose.
  3. Please fax or send the receipt in time in order to speed up your operation and save time.
  4. If you cannot fax or send us the scanned document, please submit the payment confirmation form online. We will handle it as soon as we receive your payment.
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  PayPal supports payments in currencies including HKD,USD.
  All the prices displayed on our website is current United State Dollars.
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