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ICANN sends notice of breach to registrar for failing to comply with the UDRP

ICANN has sent a notice of breach to the registrar Red Register Inc. for failure to comply with the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (”UDRP”).  The registrar h-olds close to 27,000 domains and apparently failed to respond and implement UDRP decisions despite requests by ICANN and the National Arbitration Forum (“NAF”).

ICANN has now given the registrar 15 days to comply with UDRP Rule 16(a) and paragraph 4(k) of the UDRP and “will pursue all remedies available under the terms of the RAA, inclu-ding termination” should they not cure the breach.

As reported earlier Red Register has been sued by Microsoft for trademark violations at the end of 2007

by Frank Michlick


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